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The widely use of biodegradable foam packing peanuts

Author:admin Source:Jinan Shengrun Time:2020-12-15 18:27:14 Hits:1592次
The degradable foam packing peanuts is a eco friendly products, they are widely used and have a good perspective in the future. Now there are many people start to pay attention to the products. We are a professional manufacture of the degradable foam pack

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In these years, environmental pollution problems have attracted more and more attention, environmentally friendly products have been a tendency. The degradable foam packing peanut that I want to introduce to you today is also an eco friendly product.

There are a lot of packing materials been used in our daily life, and most of them are made of plastic or other harmful raw material. The degradable foam packing peanuts are used to fill the box and the goods or between the goods and the goods when packaging the goods, so as to protect the goods from being bumped.  The main raw material of the degradable foam packaging peanuts is corn flour, which undergoes physical and chemical reactions through the high temperature and high pressure of the extruder. At the moment of being extruded, due to the loss of pressure, the extruded mixture rapidly expands and is cut into various shape by the cutter . Because the raw material is corn flour, there is no need to worry about environmental pollution. There are a small amount of other additives in the raw materials, which have the characteristics of preventing rats and cockroaches, so there is no need to worry about the damage of rats and cockroaches. The color can also be chosen at will. The eco friendly foam packing peanuts have a widely use field, they can be used in children entertainment venue.

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